Chronicles of Arn Wiki

The Grey Islands are a series of about a dozen islands at the northern most point of the Sentinel Sea. The islands are sometimes seperated only by a few miles from their neighbors but each of the islands is ruled seperately under the authority of Kel Nord.

The Grey Islands are known for their primary export, iron and steel. It is because of their abundance of this material that Kel Nord was established and the kingdom of the Kels was able to flourish. Each of the islands was colonized by a noble family with the assistance of the king of Kel Nord. For this reason, the islands retained the names of the nobles that originally colonized them.

The Grey Islands are considered the 'Gate' to the Northlands.

Known Grey Islands:[]

The Grey Islands are named for the families who either founded a settlement upon the island or who were awarded ownership of the island by the King of Kel Nord.

  1. Izen (Kel Nord) 
  2. Stark
  3. Bromath
  4. Delos
  5. Kynth
  6. Karpath
  7. Halla
  8. Theran
  9. Illios
  10. Skorn
  11. Mogra
  12. Hassafal
  13. Jorryk